Lately I feel as if I am being pulled in a thousand different directions whether that be work, friends, family I basically just have a lot going on. That being said I am lucky to have such a full and exciting life. Sometimes though I think it’s nice to sit down and evaluate what you’re doing on a day to day basis and try making time for the things that you always mean to do but never seem to get around to.
Have you ever seen this little tidbit on Pinterest?
I look at my life sometimes and think, is this me? Do I sit around planning projects and making plans without ever getting around to actually doing them? After some consideration I have come to the conclusion that yes I’m a planner, I like to think about the future and have a gazillion projects going on all at one time but that makes me happy and if I don’t get everything done at the end of the day then it’s okay, there’s tomorrow. And if the project that I have been meaning to do since my birthday (which is in January) still is not complete aka hasn’t even been started then that’s okay too, because sometimes you’re too busy living life to think about all those little projects and plans for the future.
However, I think it is always important to have goals. Not huge, expansive, New Year goals that encompass the whole year, but small daily goals that I can accomplish now and cross off the list. I have never been one to make a New Year’s resolution, I always feel like I’m failing before I even begin. Small steps however are much easier for me, so here are the goals I have set for myself in the next few months.
· Cook at home more often (Did this last night!)
· Find a new apartment that gets great light (Yep, the roommate and I are moving!)
· Do the bottle project for the dining room table
· Really start to learn the ins and outs of my DSLR (Start my photography class excited!!!)
· Find a bar cart
· Plan my Dad’s retirement party
· Book a vacation with friends
· Workout at least four days a week
· Blog five times a week
· Accomplish my goals at work and hit my quotas
· Drink less Diet Coke
· Start organizing my whole apartment to get ready for the big move in June
· Log off of the computer an hour before bed each night
I look at this list and it doesn’t scare me, they are small things that I will do over the course of the Spring and Summer without feeling overwhelmed that I need to get this done or that done. And because it’s always more fun to make to do lists and set goals on pretty paper here are some great notepads I found over at
Arianna Belle.
What goals have you set for yourself lately? Or do you have a continuing to do list? Anyone else out there moving to a new place anytime soon? I am excited to be in a different place but the moving process is daunting. Just thinking about all my stuff is a little scary, that is why I am determined to start now! And for anyone wondering where Wedding Wednesday is I wanted to switch it up a little this week. Next week will be back to normal though! Happy Hump Day everyone, see you tomorrow!